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1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron


1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron - Facade1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron - Facade1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron - Facade1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron - Image 5 of 111111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron - More Images+ 6

Text description provided by the architects. We saw this project during its design and construction phase and now, thanks to photographer Nelson Garrido, we present you 1111 Lincoln Road by Herzog & de Meuron completed.

1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron - Facade

This mixed use project is currently being built at the corner of Alton and Lincoln, one of the most active pedestrian areas in the city, and it will include residences, retail spaces and parking. Parking takes a central space in this building, with one of the best views I have ever seen on a parking space.

1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron - Facade

Jacques Herzog stated that this builing will reinterpret the essence of Tropical Modernism, and it somehow reminds me of the modern movement in Brazil, with raw structures providing shade, while containing smaller enclosing sub-elements. The slabs stand over a set of irregular columns, giving a sense of a precarious equilibrium. These columns also cast different shadows, giving more character to the facade.

1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron - Image 9 of 11

But there are more references to Brazil's modernism: interior courtyards by landscape architect Raymond Jungles, follower of  Roberto Burle Marx (renowned figure of the modern movement in Brazil).

1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron - Handrail

The project, developed by Robert Wennett, includes 300 parking spots, the building includes eleven shops and three restaurants at ground level, with further shopping on the fifth floor, another restaurant on the roof, and luxury residences.

1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron - Windows

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Project location

Address:1111 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, FL 33139, USA

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
About this office
Cite: "1111 Lincoln Road / Herzog & de Meuron" 07 May 2010. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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